GOV.UK An overview of SEND on the Government's website.
SEND Links to all SEND Government documentation.
SEN Code of Practice for 0 to 25 year olds.
The Engagement Model For teachers to use as an assessment tool for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests.
NASEN is the UK’s leading organisation supporting those who work with or care for children and young people with special and additional educational needs and disabilities.
British Institute of Learning Disabilities BILD help develop the organisations who provide services, and the people who give support to those with learning difficulties.
NHS England - information for parents about when a child dies.
NAC Non-Verbal Affective Care NAC's vision is for the emotional and mental health needs of children and adults with severe and profound intellectual disabilities to be recognised and cared for using the latest evidence and neuroscience based practices.
SEN Magazine is an invaluable resource and essential reading for parents/carers and SEND/education professionals. It allows you to keep up to date with SEND issues, read articles by SEND experts, share best practice and develop your skills with the UK’s leading special educational needs magazine.
Special Needs Jungle is a wonderful website that is parent led with information, resources and informed opinion about children and young people with SEN, disabilities, health conditions and rare diseases.
Twinkl a great website for pre-made SEN primary resources.
Sesame Street grief resources.
Sesame Street grief videos
Sesame Street autism resources for parents.
Widgit symbol software and resources.
Good Grief Gifts thoughtful and useful gifts for grieving well.
Pamis Promoting a more inclusive society. Pamis supports people with profound and multiple learning disabilities, PMLD - their families, carers and professionals.