Is your copy of Sherborne Developmental Movement lurking in the back of a cupboard forgotten and unused? Maybe it’s time to dig it out, dust it off and delve back into this wonderful approach. I can guarantee your students will thank you and your finance officer will be pleased, too! A revitalised curriculum with no expense!
To jog your memories, here is a brief overview of Sherborne. Towards the end of the twentieth century, Veronica Sherborne developed a movement programme to help support individuals witof Modern European Dance and movement), with whom she worked for two years.
The key to Sherborne’s philosophy is the observation of children and how they play as a part of their development.
"Through my experience of teaching and observing human movement, and of learning through trial and error, I have come to the conclusion that all children have two basic needs; they need to feel at home in their own bodies and so to gain mastery, and they need to be able to form relationships”
- Veronica Sherborne, 1990
The two core objectives in Sherborne Developmental Movement are:
Awareness of self – which is developed through the individual gaining movement experiences that ensure they become aware of their own body and what it is doing. They ‘listen’ to their bodies via feelings and touch rather than the typical means of thinking and looking. This more emotional approach brings about physical improvements, but also growth in self-esteem and confidence.
Awareness of others – after pupils have gained the awareness of self (knowing where their body starts and stops and the movements that they can make with their own body) they can then move on to being aware of others around them. Pupils learn to engage and interact with others, physically moving around other people and also learning to move in partnership with others to create expressive movement.
By exploring our physical self and our movements and then using these skills to be able to move with others, students not only progress physically, but they also develop positive relationships with others, build self-esteem, grow in confidence and their skills of communication blossom.
Developmental movement activities include
* floor play, tummy and back play, rolling over and over
* belly crawling and crawling
* pushing, pulling, stretching, hanging, sliding
* spinning, tipping, tilting, falling.
In a child’s early years, movement is their ‘food’ for developing physically, a means to engage with and learn about the world and to help develop relationships with others. As educators the opportunities for movement that we provide our children make up their ‘diet’.
So, do we give all of our pupils a ‘good diet’? Do we give them the opportunity for movement experiences of this kind? Do we ensure that children who spend vast amounts of their day supported by different pieces of equipment, such as wheelchairs, standing frames, sleep systems etc. are given regular opportunities to move in this way? If the answer is no, then revisiting Sherborne Developmental Movement could be the key to changing this.
‘Sherborne’ at Warmley Park School
Warmley Park School is a community special school for 4 to 19 year olds situated in South Gloucestershire. All students have a diagnosis of severe learning difficulties and the school population of 120 is made up of children with profound and multiple learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders, physical and sensory impairments and medical conditions (including life limiting illnesses).
Sherborne is used across the school, but this article is a case study of how it is used in the Primary Department. Teachers draw upon Sherborne as part of their daily practice and each week the primary-aged children with physical difficulties also all meet together for 45 minutes to carry out a programme of Sherborne Developmental Movement. These sessions are lead by the Head of the Primary Department, with school staff and parent volunteers. Each child is supported 1 to 1 by an adult.
The sessions start with everyone taking off their shoes and getting onto the mat. Those children who use wheelchairs are hoisted onto the mats. As soon as the children are on the floor their faces just beam. The joy of being released from all supportive equipment coupled with the physical freedom that the floor yields is evident in all of the pupils. The children in the Sherborne group come from a range of classes and there is a mixture of adults supporting the group, so each session formally starts with a welcoming song. The children are encouraged to make a noise or move a limb to ask to be next in the song and very quickly they are all eagerly asking for their turn.
The sessions follow the same pattern each week, with staff using very consistent language: key words for the different movements e.g. rocking, leaning, sliding etc. Due to this very tight and consistent approach, the pupils are secure and confident in what they are doing with the key word descriptions of the movements preparing them for what they are about to do next. Also, by participating in the session each week, they learn to anticipate the sequence of movements, which in turn results in them being more involved in each of the physical actions.
These movements are beneficial on so many levels. Firstly, the children just love the physical activity; they also adore the closeness of another person. On the floor and without the barrier of equipment, child and adult can interact in a way that is much closer than is normally found in school. Children with physical impairments, complex needs and/or profound and multiple learning difficulties can miss out on a great deal of tactile engagement and physical interaction. This includes the additional learning that this provides: communication, social skills (turn taking, asking for more), emotional skills (caring and warmth) as well as the very important physical development that it engenders.
A child in a wheelchair can struggle to communicate with the educator and will find it difficult to reach out for physical interaction, but when on the floor these impairments are eradicated. Educator and child are eye to eye, hand in hand and breathing in unison. Together they can communication on a very deep level – through movement, body language, facial expressions and vocalisations. The child can control what he/she wants and this, in turn, is an immensely empowering experience.
By the end of the session, the children have a ‘warm glow’, relaxed muscles and a great sense of happiness. They have gone beyond the wheelchair and the isolation that it can bring, have enjoyed a shared experience and gained a greater awareness of themselves and others. Once hoisted back into the wheelchair, it is crucial for the child’s sense of empowerment, freedom and control is maintained and as staff we must remember to return regularly to the floor and the movement opportunities that it affords. We need to give our pupils as much of this time as possible – and this is what Sherborne can give you.
Do you use Sherborne at your school? Are you thinking about reintroducing it? I'd love to hear from you with any thoughts or questions. Please contact me via the contact page.